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SURVIVING CORONAVIRUS: 5 Symptoms that Indicate You Have Already Acquired COVID-19

COVID Symptoms

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At the end of 2019, a new virus began spreading from a food market in Wuhan, China and in early 2020 the virus was generating headlines all over the globe because of the unprecedented speed of its transmission. The virus is now known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The World Health Organisation in March 2020 declared COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic.

The coronavirus has left people confused as some people remain asymptomatic throughout the infection which makes it hard to identify who has been infected with this virus. In the journal ‘Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology,’ a latest research has been published related to neurology which shows that among 412 patients, 82 per cent of Covid-19 patients showed signs of neurological problems. The journal has also published a new study which says that there are five symptoms which indicate that one has already acquired Covid-19:


Headaches have been reported as a common symptom of Covid-19, and it has been listed as an indicator by US Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It could be a mild one or hammering headache in some cases and thus might require medical attention immediately. People have complained of headaches even after their recovery from the virus.

Lack of attention-

Even though this symptom is not listed by the US CDC but many people have seemed to suffer from this. In this condition, an individual can’t focus on anything and feels confused leading to brain fog. Around 31.8 per cent of the volunteers showed this symptom.

Sore eyes-

Many people have reported sore eyes as a symptom of Covid-19. But this symptom is arguable as many people who had Covid-19 complained of eye pain but it is also being said that during lockdown people have spent more time in front of their gadget screens.

Muscular pain-

Many patients who were part of the study complained of muscle pain, 44.8 per cent of the total participants went through muscle pain as a result of Covid-19 infection. Body aches have also been listed as a symptom of Covid-19 by the US CDC. It is also a symptom of long Covid as it persists even after a person has tested negative for the virus.

Loss of taste or smell-

Loss of taste or smell is one of the strong indicators that a person has had Covid-19. Even though it has not been listed as a symptom by health agencies, people all over the world have experienced this symptom due to Covid-19. Some patients only lose smell; however, if there is a loss of taste, it is likely that the person will also lose taste.


Disclaimer:  Information mentioned in the article is not to be taken as professional medical advice. Always seek help from your doctor or any healthcare provider in case any queries regarding Covid-19.

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