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World Embryologist Day: History and its Significance


World Embryologist Day 2022: On July 25, 1978, Louise Joy Brown became the first baby to be born through In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) method.

World Embryologists Day is celebrated every year globally on July 25. This day is dedicated to scientists who are in the field of reproductive medicine. The process of IVF brings a ray of hope to the couples who struggle through infertility. The process is both diagnostic and therapeutic.

IVF is a process where mature eggs from ovaries are collected and fertilized with sperm in a clinically tested laboratory. Couples facing with infertility issues, take the help of IVF for fertilization. With time and advent of technological developments, IVF has become safer.

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Louise Joy Brown’s mother, Lesley Brown, underwent an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) procedure developed by gynaecologist Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards on November 10, 1977. Louise Joy Brown who was born on July 25, became the first baby to be born through a IVF. Since that day, every year globally came to be known as World Embryologist Day


The process of IVF brings a ray of hope for those couples who face infertility issues. The biggest advantage of IVF is to have a safer and healthy pregnancy though it is done clinically.

The process is also helpful for single women and same-sex couples. For single women or same-sex couples it brings great opportunity to help them become parents.

One of the pioneer of reproductive medicine, Robert Edwards received Nobel Prize in 2010 for the development of IVF. Robert Edwards was a British physiologist and pioneer in reproductive medicine.


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