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Ayurveda and Hair Care: Tips for Healthy Hair through Ayurveda

Ayurveda and Hair Care

Hair is a feature that everyone wants to keep looking beautiful and healthy. The global hair care industry is worth billions of dollars and is expected to grow further. People all over the world, almost every living person, is concerned about the appearance of their hair and seek the best products to improve it. Ayurveda and Hair Care

People experience a lot of hair fall, greying, or thinning due to environmental pollution, hormonal factors, and chemical-based products. Ayurvedic treatment processes are beneficial and effective in combating hair fall and loss in this situation. Ayurvedic processes include a holistic approach to healing and rejuvenation. Ayurvedic products and treatments are all-natural and address the underlying causes of hair problems.

Ayurvedic Oil based on Dosha type:

According to Ayurveda, the body comprises three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Hair, like skin, will respond to the Dosha type. As a result, a person must determine their Dosha type so that the appropriate Ayurvedic oil and treatment can be applied and produce the desired results.

Ayurvedic hair treatments aim to improve the healthiest state of the hair rather than change it. It promotes the development of innate beauty by restoring the natural healthy balance of the hair.

How to treat Hair Imbalances and Issues through Ayurveda

Hair health imbalances are considered symptoms of certain health conditions in Ayurveda. Because hair is interconnected with the body and organs, illness in a body part causes hair damage. Ayurveda’s treatment therapies aid in the treatment of these issues. It emphasizes providing proper nourishment and body care.

Hair loss by Vata Imbalance:

Vata dosha people should get Ayurvedic oil massages at least once a week. Sesame and almond oil are ideal for Vata hair. Massage the oil into the hair for at least twenty minutes before steaming it with a warm water-soaked towel. The oil should then be washed with a gentle shampoo.

Hair Issues by Pitta Imbalance:

Pitta hair problems can be resolved by maintaining a cool balance between the head and body. Maintaining this balance is as simple as massaging the head and scalp with coconut oil. To stay hydrated, the person should also drink plenty of water. Applying Amla paste to the head is an effective remedy for calming Pitta Dosha.

Hair Issues by Kapha Imbalance:

Hair problems in Kapha Dosha must be treated with regular washing because they tend to become oily quickly. It is also critical to give the head a weekly head massage with either mustard or olive oil. Because Kapha hair is more prone to dandruff, an excellent herbal hair cleanser should be used to remove dandruff and thoroughly clean the scalp.

Diet for combating hair issues:

A person’s diet significantly impacts both physical and mental health. A healthy diet consisting of freshly prepared foods and nutrient-rich foods free of preservatives and sugar is recommended by Ayurveda.

People with Vata Dosha should consume freshly prepared foods made from wholesome ingredients and served hot. High-quality oils, pure ghee, warm fluids, fruit berries, melons, yoghurt, coconuts, buttermilk, and avocado all help to balance the Vata Dosha.

Fresh foods, whether cooked or raw, are important for people with Pitta Dosha because they are high in carbohydrates. Raw fruits and vegetables, milk, whole grains, and cooling spices like fennel, cumin, or coriander are examples of such foods.

People with Kapha Dosha should eat freshly prepared foods with light spices that are served hot. People must eat light meals low in fat and drink plenty of fluids or water.

In addition to the preceding, the following steps should be taken:

Ayurveda massage therapies for healthy hair:

Shirodhara therapy involves gently dripping medicinal oils on the person’s forehead from a pot hung from the ceiling while lying horizontally. This procedure prevents hair from greying, promotes restful sleep, and treats various medical conditions.

Shirovasti therapy requires a person to sit upright and wear headgear. On the cap, the medicinal oils are poured. The oil is then kept for about 45 minutes before being drained. This procedure relieves stress and nourishes the hair roots.

Shiro lepam therapy involves applying a medicinal paste to the head and covering or bandaging it for a set period. This procedure prevents premature greying of hair and reduces stress.

Shirobhyanga massages the head, neck, and shoulders gently with Ayurvedic medicinal oils. This procedure nourishes the hair while also relaxing the mind.

Ayurvedic hair care includes both topical and systemic treatments. Topical methods, such as oiling, nourish the hair and scalp directly. Systemic treatments, like diets, nourish the body from within to promote hair growth. Ayurvedic herbal supplements can also treat internal scalp tissues and improve hair health and growth. Herbal tablets containing ingredients such as Brahmi, Bhringaraj, Amalaki, Licorice, and Hibiscus flower are beneficial to hair. Triphala tablets and Cyavanprash are also extremely revitalizing.

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Routine, hard work and daily lifestyle all have an impact on hair, as well as the health and body. As a result, following these Ayurvedic tips and treatments would help combat hair loss and thinning while encouraging hair growth and a flowing mane!

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