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Horoscope dated October 17, 2022


Read the daily horoscope predictions below to see what’s in store for you today!

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Today, you’re being asked to go over your friend list. Recognize the unicorns who are helping you grow and those who are just hanging around because they want to be associated with you because of your social standing. Aries, you already know who your fair-weather friends are. It’s time to step back from relationships that aren’t serving your highest and best interests right now. The first rule of self-care is to learn to prioritize yourself over everyone else.

Taurus (Apr 21-May 20)

When we are in a space of allowance, we recognize that whatever is happening for us right now is in alignment with our highest and greatest good. Taurus, you are becoming more aware of this. This chapter of your life is about letting go of resistance and going with the flow. It is about recognizing *and* capitalizing on the opportunities that are presented to you. It’s about trusting your instincts and taking a giant leap forward in the direction of growth. Remember that fear and faith often coexist. So, take a risk and show up as the most insane version of yourself!

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

Growth is not a straight line. It happens in spirals, and you may find yourself at the same point over and over again. What’s different this time is that you have a broader perspective on your situation. That you have grown and integrated many soul lessons since you first began walking this path. Consider this your final exam. Your willingness to let go of the past and the patterns associated with it will assist your soul in evolving to the next level.

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Cancer, you’ve arrived at a watershed moment. You have the option of letting the past go or carrying it forward with you. Wild one, we hope you choose freedom. We hope you choose love over all else. Yes, you will have to sit with the wounds and listen to what they have to say. Recognize that you are prepared to make a paradigm shift. Recognizing the person or situation that triggered your story will open the door to forgiveness.

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Leo, you can see clearly now. You can see how everything worked out in your favor now. The Universe was protecting you rather than punishing you. How you were constantly propelled in the direction of development. You begin the week with your brightest smile, expressing gratitude for both your present and your past, and envisioning the future with cautious optimism. You have a lot to look forward to, and you’re only getting started.

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23)

When we are in a state of deep surrender, we can recognize that every moment is a gift. We can trust life’s flow and become one with its rhythm. This is where you are at the moment, Virgo. This is the lesson you are currently integrating. What the cards are saying to you in silence: ” Whatever happens, happens.”

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23)

What happens when we enter a state of complete surrender? What happens when we accept the present and all of its gifts? What happens when we look at both pain and pleasure with awareness? Libra, this is a time of great awakening. It’s time to go with the flow and replace expectations with acceptance. Everything is as it should be, and everything is working in your best interests, beautiful.

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)

There was a time in your life when you had to choose ‘positive thoughts’ consciously. There was a time when cultivating gratitude required effort. There was a time when you had to rewire your brain to focus on all the good in life. But what you’re going through right now, Scorpio, is fundamental change. You understand that duality is a part of life on Earth, and that endings and beginnings tend to occur at the same time. So, whatever flows, flows. Allow whatever crashes to crash. Know that no matter what happens, the grand plan is always in your favor.

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Remember how you couldn’t do everything you can now? Remember when you didn’t have the resources that you have now? Sagittarius, take a breather. Take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come and all the ways you’ve mastered things that seemed impossible before. It’s important to look at yourself *and* your journey with pride from time to time. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you’re planning another breakthrough moment, one that will put you on the map for all the right reasons.

 Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 21)

So, Capricorn, it didn’t work out! So your expectations were not met. You can either sink into a downward spiral of self-pity or get up and show up again. Something tells us you’re done being a victim in this situation. That you’ve had enough of blaming your circumstances for what’s wrong and why. Transmute your pain into power by showing up for who and what you care about with renewed vigor. Optimism promises to be the intoxicant that will assist you in bringing about that paradigm shift. Oh, and there’s one more thing! Do not be afraid to speak your truth. Know that those who are meant to be in your life will appreciate it if you reciprocate.

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19)

But what if you are the one who has been impeding your progress, Aquarius? What if you’ve been sabotaging yourself all along? A word of advice: take a step back and assess your situation. This will assist you in recognizing where and how you need to let go of your false sense of control and reaffirm your faith in yourself. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are ready for this change, and you have been preparing for it for many lifetimes.

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20)

But, Pisces, there’s no need to rush to the finish line. There is no rush to achieve a specific result. You are exactly where you should be, and you are content with how your journey is unfolding. This is a message from the mysterious forces to let go of any residual anxiety you may have about the given person or situation, and to trust that what is yours will find its way to you regardless of what happens.


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