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New Study Reveals Time When Sun Will Die


According to a study published by the GAIA spacecraft, the Sun is likely in its middle age. The spacecraft calculated that the Sun is 4.57 billion years old. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) space observatory, credited with providing the most accurate universe map, has revealed the likelihood of the Sun’s death.

The most recent data from ESA’s space observatory contains information about many other stars, including their composition and temperature. Astronomers can predict how the Sun will evolve in the future.

According to ESA data, the Sun is currently fusing hydrogen into helium and is generally stable. It stated that the Sun is currently 4.57 billion years old. This information comes as the solar week approaches its peak, and the Sun exploded last week with 17 coronal mass ejections and nine sunspots.

However, the star’s mass and chemical composition determine the Sun’s dying process. Scientists have concluded from the data provided by the Gaia Spacecraft that the Sun will reach its maximum temperature at approximately 8 billion years of age, after which it will cool and expand in size, becoming a red giant star. The Sun will reach the end of its life at 1011 billion years.

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