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A virus is rapidly evolving and is now posing a threat to the world: WHO

delta virus

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World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a press briefing on Friday warned that the virus variant of Covid 19 like the Delta is still evolving and mutating.

He also informed that the world is in a dangerous phase of the Covid 19 pandemic.
During the press briefing, Tedros stated –
“The time for lofty words is over. There needs to be concerted action backed by finance resources to mitigate the consequences of climate change while we work to keep temperature down and scale up green innovations.
Many small islands, developing states have succeeded in preventing widespread transmission of Covid 19 in their communities. But the pandemic has hit hard in other ways such as decline in revenues in tourism which significantly affect the economy.
Compounded by more transmissible variants, like Delta, which is quickly becoming the dominant strain in many countries, we are in a very dangerous period of this pandemic.”

“But no country is out of the woods yet. The Delta variant is dangerous and is continuing to evolve and mutate, which requires constant evaluation and careful adjustment of the public health response,” he further quoted.

The Delta variant has been detected in nearly 98 countries and it is spreading quickly with low vaccination coverage.
There are essentially two ways for all the countries to push back against the new surges.
1. Public health and social measures like strong surveillance, strategic testing, early case detection, isolation and clinical care remain critical. Masking, physical distance, avoiding crowded places and keeping indoor areas well ventilated are the basis for the response.
2. The world must equitably share protective gears, oxygen, tests treatments and vaccines.
The WHO Director General also urged the leaders across the world to work together to ensure that by this time next year 70 percent of the people in every country are vaccinated.
“The only best way to slow the pandemic, save live, drive a truly global economic recovery and along the way prevent further dangerous variants from getting upper hand.”

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