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ADRCA set up a collective of drug treatment facilities

Association of Drug Rehabilitation centres of Assam formed a collective of drug treatment facilities

The Association of Drug Rehabilitation centres of Assam formed a collective of drug treatment facilities with 30 registered NGOs at the moment with more joining working all over Assam independently without any government grants or assistance.

The factors of ADRCA members is that they all follow a treatment model which is termed the Therapeutic Community Model for whole-person recovery, whose essence is the psycho-spiritual 12 step program of the Alcoholic Anonymous a worldwide Self Help Group which started in 1935 and has spread to all continents with millions of members.

The last common factor of ADRCA is that they all are ex-addicts or “Recovering Addicts” who have come through the pain of substance abuse.

Over 60 drug rehabilitation centres operating in Assam following mainly the TC model and run by ex-addicts are the only positive resource that is working on this serious social threat.

“We are in direct touch with addicts. We know the process of degeneration of an addict and also the hope and faith in recovery. We can play a major contributing role in this emerging combined societal response against the drug menace which has spread to even the village level in the state. We all have patients coming in from the rural hinterland where heroin abuse has spread and families are being destroyed from within,” said the members of ADRCA.

Their objective is to work as a collective to upgrade skills and treatment delivery systems, work together in awareness generation, and create networks of care and prevention. Interact with government and various stakeholders in civil society to work with combined strategies and empower and mobilize the community to be part of emerging solutions to face this huge challenge of drug addiction.

Also Read: Private rehab centres in Guwahati prepare road maps to fight drug menace

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