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Assam Parents Appeals Fundraisers For Treatment Of Six Month Old Baby

Praneet Jaiswal

Praneet Jaiswal, a 6-month-old baby from Assam has been diagnosed with the rare genetic disease Hemophago-lymphohistiocytosis (HLH- A type of primary Immunodeficiency Disease).

Three months after Praneet’s birth, he was suffering from regular fever. After initial treatment, the local doctors recommended Vivek Jaiswal, Praneet’s father to the Jaiswal Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon for advanced treatment.
After diagnosis, it came to light that Praneet has the rare genetic HLH disease.

Doctors of Artemis Hospital have planned for the Haplo-identical allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) and have selected the child’s mother as a BMT donor.
The estimated cost of the treatment is about Rs. 20 lakhs.

Praneet’s father, Vivek is a teacher at Perception Junior College, Assam and his mother is a homemaker.
Vivek being the only earning member of the family is now encountering difficulty in arranging such a huge amount of money due to financial issues. This huge amount is like breaking a mountain for Vivek.

Unable to cover treatment expenses, the family has now turned to crowdfund on and so far 368 donors have collectively contributed Rs. 4,80,398 on the fundraiser site.
“We want our son to live a normal life like other kids but due to this genetic disease and huge treatment amount, we are feeling helpless. We are not able to arrange this much money due to financial issues. This huge amount is like breaking a mountain for me. Please come forward to help. Your contribution will help my son in getting treated and Bone Marrow Transplant is the only hope for his survival.”, the child’s father stated.
Concerned and benevolent persons can contribute to the crowdfunding at

Healthcare crowdfunding is an alternative method of raising funds online for medical expenses and patient/ family members primarily rely on social media networks for donors to finance medical bills. is the country’s leading healthcare financing platform for patients. The site raises money online for medical expenses via online crowdfunding such as Covid-19, cancer, transplants, and accidents. It aggregates a large number of online payments to allow any individual requiring financial assistance to raise funds for any social cause.

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