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Cotton Celebrates Yoga Day Virtually

On the occasion of the International Day of Yoga, Cotton University organized an online celebration via Zoom media platform at 8 am here today.


The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Bhabesh Chandra Goswami, during his inaugural address enthusiastically emphasized the benefits of Yoga in everyday life and also urged the gathering to make it a regular practice. ‘We are assembled today to celebrate this day as we have realized the importance of yoga in maintaining a healthy life – he said in his address.

The prime attraction of the event was a virtual yoga demonstration by renowned yoga expert, Ankita Borthakur. All the attending participants performed yoga following her steps and also interacted with her virtually. During the interaction, Borthakur replied to the queries of participants on different health issues particularly stressing those asanas which are relevant towards dealing with the Novel Coronavirus-related complications.


The program was largely attended by the members of faculty, officers, students, non-teaching staff, alumni, guests, and representatives from the media via the Zoom platform and the official Facebook page of the University.


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