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Desperate Congress and Its Fear of Horse Trading

horse trading in Assam

Rupjyoti Kurmi at Dichang Resort Image source: Internet

Horse Trading in Assam is on Trend now!
With the day of the results drawing near, the Congress candidates in Assam are delicately being isolated and kept at a resort at the outskirts of Guwahati in the fear of being traded by the opposition party.

To keep the flock together and away from poachers, at least 40 candidates of the party have been kept in the resort.
Among those who shifted to the resort are Rupjyoti Kurmi, Wajed Ali Choudhury, and Siddique Ahmed. The party sources said that the candidates along with other leaders have gathered at Dichang resort to attend an Orientation Camp from April 22 to 28.

According to reports, the candidates have entered the resort through Gate No 4.
Congress Spokesperson Bobbeeta Sharma said, “We’ve some internal party meeting and besides that candidates also wants some leisure times with their own party friends”
Meanwhile, party sources said, “Many of you might think why we’re doing this? But we must recall the incident of Manipur and Goa where the BJP had formed the government by buying Congress MLA’s.”
Speaking to the media Rupjyoti Kurmi said, “BJP will try to threaten the MLA’s from opposition party by saying they might be implicated in some cases. Besides that we’ll have some our own time doing gym, will dine together, exchange thoughts.”
Adding he also said that next few days, the Congress candidates will take part in poetry recitation, dance, and singing competitions. And even I’m thinking to try to make six-pack abs.”

From here we can say that congress even don’t trust their own candidates and every congress leaders have given different statements regarding the issue but few congress leaders like APCC President Ripun Bora and Rupjyoti Kurmi admitted to the media that they shifted the MLA because previously they have seen how BJP formed govt. in Manipur, Goa, and Madhya Pradesh

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