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Democrats Officially Nominate Biden To Take On Trump

Joe Biden

International: Democrats formally nominated Joe Biden as their 2020 presidential nominee on Tuesday night. The democrats vowed that his election would repair a pandemic-battered America and put an end to the chaos that has defined Republican President Donald Trump’s administration. The party officials and activists from across the nation gave the former vice president their overwhelming support during his party’s all-virtual national convention.

“Thank you all. It means the world to me and my family and I’ll see you on Thursday,” Biden said

The moment marked a political high point for Biden, who had sought the presidency twice before and is now cemented as the embodiment of Democrats’ desperate desire to defeat President Donald Trump this fall.

In an unprecedented and elaborate roll call vote that took place entirely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all 50 states and seven territories announced their vote tallies that cemented Biden’s role as the party flag bearer.

Biden formally captured his party’s presidential nomination Tuesday night after being nominated by three people, including two Delaware lawmakers and 31-year-old African American security guard. The nomination was a formality as he had already won the majority of the more than 3,900 delegates back in June.

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