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Woman Raped in Parliament, PM Promises Probe on Govt and Work Culture


Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Tuesday apologized to a woman who alleged she was raped in the country’s parliament by an unnamed colleague.

The minister also promised a thorough investigation into the government’s workplace culture.

The woman alleged that she had been raped in the office of Defence Minister Linda Reynolds in March 2019 by someone who also worked for Morrison’s ruling Liberal party.

She told local media she spoke with the police in early April of that year, but she decided against making a formal complaint amid concerns about her career prospects.

Police in the capital confirmed they had spoken to a complainant in April 2019, but she chose not to make a formal complaint.

Defence Minister Reynolds on Monday confirmed that she had been told of the complaint last year. However, she denied the woman was pressured against making a police complaint.

PM Morrison Tuesday apologized to the woman and promised an investigation.

“That should not have happened, and I do apologize,” Morrison told reporters in Canberra.

“I want to make sure any young woman working in this place is as safe as possible,” he added.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet official Stephanie Foster has been appointed to review the process in dealing with workplace complaints. Meanwhile, a backbench lawmaker will also investigate workplace culture.

The allegation has intensified pressure on Morrison after a series of allegations of improper behavior towards women within the Liberal party.

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