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Choice of Casting Postal Ballots for Those Above 80, COVID Patients

Postal Ballot

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Disabled people, COVID-19 suspects or affected individuals and voters above 80 years of age will have the choice of casting their votes through postal ballots as absentee voters.

According to the changed guidelines given by the Election Commission of India, an absentee voter can cast their vote through the postal ballot with the prior application to the returning officer of that concerned constituency during the phase from the date of announcement of election to five days following the date of notification of the election.

The election held in December 2020 for Bihar constituency provided the postal ballot provision to voters over 65 years of age and section of people who are at most risk to coronavirus.

EC’s revised guidelines state that “if any elector at the time election is hospitalized on account of Covid-19, in a hospital within the state or is in-home/institutional quarantine on account of COVID-19 and hence not be in a position to cast vote personally at the polling station as per medical advice and if such elector makes request for issue of postal ballot, the RO concerned, on being satisfied with the genuineness of the application, shall provide the postal ballot to the elector. “

Arrangements to deliver postal ballot and to collect it from person casting the vote will be the responsibility of the returning officer which would take place a day before the regular voting in that concerned constituency.

Voters belonging to the Divyang category opting for the postal ballots will have a copy of benchmark disability certificate specified by the concerned government under the Rights of Person with Disabilities Act, 2016 along with the application (Form 12).

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