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ILO Survey: 50% youths depressed amid the pandemic


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One in two young people across the world are possibly subject to anxiety or depression, while 17 percent are probably affected by it, says a survey by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The survey ‘Youth and COVID-19: impacts on jobs, education, rights, and mental well-being’ found that half of the youth between 18 to 29 years are subject to anxiety or depression-causing circumstances due to fallouts from the pandemic.

The survey aimed to capture the immediate effects of the pandemic on the lives of youths (aged 18 to 29 years) concerning employment, education, mental health, rights, and social activism.

The survey assessed the urgent, large-scale, and targeted policy responses from governments across the globe to protect a whole generation of young people from having their employment prospects permanently scarred by the coronavirus pandemic.

ILO director-general Guy Ryder said, “The pandemic is inflicting multiple shocks on young people. It is not only destroying their jobs and employment prospects but also disrupting their education and training and having a serious impact on their mental well-being,”.

The survey stressed upon 38% of young people being uncertain of their future career prospects, with the crisis expected to create more obstacles in the labour market and to lengthen the transition from school to work.

“COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of our lives. Even before the onset of the crisis, the social and economic integration of young people was an ongoing challenge. Now, unless urgent action is taken, young people are likely to suffer severe and long-lasting impacts from the pandemic, the report stated.

The survey further says that one in six youth have stopped working since the pandemic hit. Many youths are expected to work in the worst-hit sectors. The report says that forty-two percent have seen their income reduced, forcing them either to work in a stressful environment or quit the job.

Despite the setback from the crisis, the youths have been vocal of the pandemic and have volunteered to fight the virus.

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