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More Than 9 Lakh COVID-19 Test Samples; Total Tests 4 Crore

National: India has been conducting more than 9 Lakh COVID-19 sample tests each day for the last two consecutive days. The main strategy of the Union Government is “TEST, TRACK and TREAT”. India already has the capacity of conducting 10 Lakh tests per day. In the last 24 hours, a total of 9,01,338 samples have been tested.

The cumulative tests are also nearing to 4 Crore. To date, the total tests done are 3,94,77,848. In the past two weeks, more than 1 Crore samples for COVID-19 was tested. The Tests Per Million (TPM) have also seen a rise to 28,607. This was only possible due to the aggressive testing along with timely and effective treatment.

To ensure the positive effect of the strategy of testing, the government is continuously strengthening testing labs. To date, there are 1564 testing labs in the country. The government sector has 998 labs and the private sector has 566 labs. These include:
Real-Time RT PCR based testing labs: 801. Government: 461 and Private: 340.
TrueNat based testing labs: 643. Government: 503 and Private: 140.
CBNAAT based testing labs: 120. Government: 34 and Private: 86.
India now has a total of 15,89,105 isolation beds, 2,17,128 oxygen supported beds, and 57,380 ICU beds.

India is also registering continuous progress on recoveries. The country has also shown a reduction in the fatality rate. The Case Fatality Rate is now at 1.82%.

More patients are recovering from home isolation and hospitals. India’s COVID-19 recoveries are nearing to 26 Lakh. In the last 24 hours, a total of 60,177 people have made full recovery from COVID-19. The Recovery Rate among COVID-19 is now almost 76.28%.
Now, the active cases are only about 21.90%. On August 28, the difference between recoveries and active cases is 18,41,925.

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