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Special Arrangements By MoD For Independence Day

Independence Day

New Delhi: Ministry of Defence (MoD) is organizing Independence Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony on 15 August 2020. The Flag Hoisting will be held at Red Fort.
Special arrangements are made by MoD for the Independence Day celebration at Red Fort. The following are the special arrangements:

• Seamless movement with the least chances of any crowding is facilitated. Seating enclosures and walkways are laid with wooden flooring and carpeting. Additional Door frame metal detectors, with adequately spaced markings, have been provided. This is to avoid queuing and to ensure smooth passage for all the invitees.
Most of the parking areas have been brick-lined and paved. This is done to ensure smooth entry and exit of vehicles to the maximum feasible extent.
• Members of the Guard of Honor have been under quarantine to bring in safety.
• Participation is only through invitation. Also, members who do not have formal invites are requested to refrain from coming to the venue. About 4000 plus have been issued an invitation. This includes officials, diplomats, members of the public and media, etc.
• Keeping an eye on the safety, NCC Cadets have been invited to witness the event. They will be seated at Gyanpath. This year young school children are not invited.

• Guiding principle for seating has been “Do Gaz ki Doori” between any two guests.
• All the invitees will be sanitized due to COVID-19 related safety measures. Specific Advisory for following the COVID-19 related guidelines have been issued along with each invitation card.
• A special REQUEST card for the invitee will be placed on each seat in this regard. The request card will have all the instructions to be followed during dispersal after the conclusion of the function. An announcement in this connection will be made from the commentary booth from time to time.
Traffic Police advisory will also contain a NOTE on the matter. An orderly dispersal plan has been put in place for implementation through the controlling officials in various enclosures. In this regard, the cooperation of all invitees will be earnestly and consistently requested.
• Ceremonial drills will be performed maintaining social distancing norms. Moreover, other precautionary measures will be followed.

Image Source: (Rehearsal for Independence Day on August 13, 2020)

• Adequate Medical booths are made available at four locations. One is near the Rampart. Another one in Madhavdas Park. Also, two are on 15 August Park.
Any attendee having any COVID-19 symptoms during entry will be catered at the Medical booth. Also, ambulances would be stationed at these four locations.
• Thermal screening at all entry points for the invitees has been planned. Thorough sanitization of the premises inside and outside the Red Fort is being carried out regularly.
• All invitees have been requested to wear masks. Also, an adequate number of suitable masks are kept handy for distribution at various points of venue.
Similarly, the availability of hand sanitizers at pre-defined locations has been done. Display boards are placed discreetly to attract the attention of invitees.
• Floral arrangements at Gyanpath behind the NCC Cadets have been made. This will enhance the visual appeal of the area.

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