SBI staff Association Thrift & Credit Cooperative Society ltd., Guwahati has celebrated Golden Jubilee of their existence since 1974 at GMC auditorium hall, Bhangagarh on10th of August ,2024. The meeting was inaugurated by Mr. Pradip Kumar Baishya, Sr vice President AISBISF and General Secretary SBISA NE Circle. Many prominent personalities as Mr. Bhupen Chandra Kalita, General Secretary, sbi Pensioner’s Association NE circle; Mr.Dibakar Chakraborty , President SBISA NE circle; Mr. Shyamanta Konwar , Vice president AISBISF were present there and share their views on Cooperative movement in North East.
Secretary Mr. Kumar Gaurab Borah mentioned briefly about the history of the Cooperative since 1974. The meeting was concluded by the speech of Mr. Ratul Talukdar, Chairman of the Cooperative.